
Splunk-Friendly Logging

Splunk-Friendly Logging

One of Splunk’s built-in field extraction rules creates fields where it finds key=value pairs. As you might expect, log events with such data result in a field called key with value value.

A few points to keep in mind:

  • Take care to not name any of your extracted fields in the body of the event with the same name as the built-in fields, such as host or source. node and fqdn are good choices for the short and fully-qualified names of hosts, for example. Depending on the situation, client or clientip might be a good choice.

  • If value has neither whitespace nor any of the following delimiters: , ; $ | then it can be used as-is. Using other punctuation seems to be ok and does not result in the value being split at the character.

  • If there any of the characters mentioned in the previous, enclose them in double quotes. Enclosing them in double quotes results in a field value that is the string without the quotes; enclosing them in single quotes results in a field value that includes the single quotes.

  • The usual “container” punctuation is extracted as a unit if possible; otherwise it does not cause segmentation of the value.

  • Everything that I have said above could be rendered untrue with changes to the configuration. Probably best to be as safe as possible and enclose any obviously non-word in double quotes.

  • I have not found a built-in separator to automatically make a multivalued field; however, it is easy to use the makemv command to do so. For example, given data like list=”one,two,three”, the following will results in three list fields:

    list="one,two,three" | makemv delim="," list
  • Splunk has a document about the Common Information Model; it is perhaps more detailed than necessary, but you get the idea: Understand and use the Common Information Model.