
Platform Notes: Solaris

Solaris Notes

Determining CPU speed, memory, etc

/usr/platform/`uname -m`/sbin/prtdiag

Booting into Single-User Mode

ok boot -s

Booting into Single-User Mode from CD-ROM

ok boot cdrom -s

Checking Applied Patches

showrev -p

Display Disk Partitions/Slices

To list all of the disks in the system along with their sizes, use the following iostat command. The -n causes it to print the disk names as cXtXdX instead of sdX (which does not seem to correspond with anything obvious).

# iostat -nE

This is actually kinda lousy if you need to know about multiple disks. You also have to convert sectors to bytes (by dividing by two) to see the actual size.

prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0

Make sure to use the rdsk device file and slice 0.

Mounting Loopback Filesystem Images

Particularly useful for ISO-9660 (CD) images. The lofiadm tool is similar to the losetup utility in Linux–it connects a file (which is presumeably a filesystem image) with a block device, so that it can be mounted, mkfs’d, etc.

# lofiadm -a foo.iso
# mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/1 /mnt

Or in one step:

# mount -F hsfs -o ro $(lofiadm -a foo.iso) /mnt

Installing Packages

One-shot mode

pkgadd -d <pkgfile>


This method is useful for installing into an NFS export, for easy installation on other systems.

  1. Install the package into /var/spool/pkg:

    pkgadd -s /var/spool/pkg -d <pkgfile>
  2. Install the package from the listing and follow prompts:

    # Follow prompts

Upgrading Packages

Generally, you cannot install a package over an existing package, because the default file /var/sadm/install/admin/default has the parameter instance set to unique. If you make a copy of this file and change unique to ask, you will be prompted to overwrite the installed package if you run pkgadd with the option -a admin-pkgupgrade.